An interview with Clyde Prestowitz

Here’s a long overdue post: Clyde Prestowitz talked with me earlier this year (in, um, March; I thought I had posted this months ago) about the currency crisis.  He was right about how it would likely fall enough to help the U.S. manufacturing sector — exports were up strongly until the not-yet-officially-a-recession took hold, thanks in large part to the weakness of the dollar. It was even becoming possible to move light manufacturing back to the U.S., or at least the NAFTA zone, as the dollar depreciated. I’ll be interested to see if an ‘Asian Plaza Accord’ emerges as a policy point after the November elections.
Clyde is engaging and not self-absorbed.  After our interview he stuck around when he didn’t have to and asked me some questions about me. We chatted about what were at the time the primary competitions, and why he liked Obama.  He even said his mother, a life-long Republican, planned to vote for Obama.

Here’s the World Voice interview as I submitted it to Shukan Daiyamondo.


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