Interview with Infosys CEO Kris Gopalakrishnan

I talked with Infosys CEO Kris Gopalakrishnan in New York this summer, and put together this kris.doc“>Q&A for Shukan Daiyamondo. This one was published in late September, so I am not as tardy in posting as in my last two interviews.
At the time, before the crash, he was optimistic about the prospects for Infosys and the whole Indian outsourcing sector. I suspect he’s more so now, since the U.S. dollar has stabilized, lessening its inflationary impact on the cost of outsourcing to India.At the end of our interview, I asked him if it were true that he got a cell phone a week and took them apart. He looked at me guiltily and said it was true, and he should stop, because it was a bad habit.  I can think of worse.

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