My new gig has Latitude

After years of covering startups, I’m working at one: I’ve been there pretty much full time since December. I’m assigning and editing pieces like A run to save olive trees in Palestine, Michigan learns to love, lean on China, The next boom continent: Africa and Europeans thirsty for U.S. craft beers. I ‘curate’ items from the foreign press in English. I’m also learning to think about how to promote stories via social media, which is not a skill that I needed to think about in my prior editorial roles.
Today we got our first real coverage, a hopeful post from Paul Gillin’s Newspaper Death Watch. He titled it Global news with a local twist. The site has an ‘intriguing philosophy,” Paul wrote. He noted that we aim to “illustrate the local impact of far away events.”
We’ve been kicking around a catchphrase that we offer “global reporting that listens — and responds.” That aims to capture our efforts to create a conversation about stories, and infuse them with perspectives from readers around the world. What do you think of it?

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