Life without Google

What would it be like?  I’m about to find out. I’ve stopped using Google.

Why?  Petty revenge.  Everyone’s favorite search site has eliminated my own Web page from its rankings.  I have no idea why. I’ve put in a request for it to restore my site to its rankings.  Until it does, I’m not using Google.  Yahoo and LiveSearch and maybe something like Cuil it is.  Suggest your favorite search engine in the comments — I’ll try it.

3 thoughts on “Life without Google

  1. Same here — I didn’t see your blog until you posted on my Facebook page. Your blog is excellent, by the way. I spend most of my blogging time on this BNET site,

    I don’t know what happened with Google. I just know my site doesn’t come up anymore. References to me do. But not the site itself. I went through Google support to ask why, but have not heard anything. I fear I’ve been put into Google purgator. It’s very strange.

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